I am temporarily borrowing my daughters computer to get back current on all the crazy happenings in this french adventure. My last post was in April...so much has happened, of course I won't bore you with all the details. I did, however, loss some weight! That is only worth mentioning, as it was one of my father's last requests for his children. At christmas, my sister asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted his four children to lose weight! "Ask and you shall receive" So to you dad, I offer 20 ugly pounds...and more to come!
In addition, other things worth mentioning, Marc and I both got jobs in May. Guess what we are doing? That's right!!!! We are both working in restaurants! Funny how life goes. Marc and I are now "competitors". Venasque has two restaurants right next door to each other- Les Ramparts (traditional/regional provencal menu) and La Cote Fontaine ( gastronomic menu with a touch of japanese accents). I am at the gastronomic and Marc is the provencal. Our dear friends Bill and Kris Moore were here last week visiting and they ate at both restaurants. I will ask them to write a review for me.
Working is great! Working in a kitchen for someone else is also great. But I have to admit that being back in the kitchen is not a dream come true. It was a matter of neccessity. Money is the name of the game sometimes and you do what you know. We know the restaurant business. And when the job opportunities presented themselves, the circumstances were almost Providencial. Two restaurant jobs right next door to each other and a house available three doors up the street and across the parking lot from Louis and Claudie's school... "Ask and you shall receive"!
So for the moment, we are both expanding our knowledge of food, learning many new things that we would not have taught ourselves otherwise and most importantly, paying our debts.
Tomorrow we will welcome longtime, dear customers from Le Bilig Kitchen. Gary and Peggy Gubitz and their young men will be stopping by on their "Reunion Tour". You can check out their adventure on their blog www.gubitzeuropereuniontour.blogspot.com .
I will have some pictures posted of our visit with friends from California soon. We had some real adventures with the Moores. I am sure they will remember this trip to france as much as the other nine they have had. Filled with family adventures...trials and tribulations of life at the Gypsy Table! Be back soon...