Sunday, December 26

Noel Festivities...Carpentras


Carriage Rides


Fireworks Finale!

Wednesday, December 22

Traditions of Provence...Santons

Santon translates to "little saints"
 Provencale Language: Santoun
The history of the Santon begins with the closing of churches in France after the revolution of 1789.
Jean-Louis Lagnel, a church statue maker, had the idea to create the little biblical figures to sell to church goers, who were prohibited from attending church.  The nativity scene was an instant success and soon he was making special figurines that reflected all aspects of village life. 
As the story goes, Lagnel was walking in the countryside of Aubagne, on a wet day. The clay soil stuck to his boots and as he cleaned them off, he recognized the sticky quality of the earth that could be easily formed and he made his first little figurine. Clay has a long history in the Provence region, which we will explore at a later rendezvous. The santon are modeled by hand, and then a mold is made for further figurines. They are hand painted in bright colors. Interestingly, they are clothed in the local costume typical of the early 1800's, when the craft of santonnier reached it's peak.
Their are approximately 120 santonniers ( Santon craftsmen) in the region. Although the Santon are widely and proudly exhibited and praised during the Christmas season, they  are sold year round, and appear in practically every village shop that sells specialties of the region.
Two types of santon exist. The small clay figurines and the larger clay figurines that are dressed in costume made of cloth in bright colors and typical patterns. In the next few days, we will visit a few *CRECHE, in the surrounding villages, so come back for another visit soon!

Scenes from the exhibit at the tourist office in Carpentras
Most every city has a santon display set up in the Office du Tourism or the Hotel de Dieu-City hall. In addition, every church displays a  Creche...Nativity scene.
The Nativity

The Village Life

Festive Dancing

Cultivating Olives and Lavendar

                                                                   Plowing the Fields

Daily Washing Chores at the Communal Fount

                                                                My Personal Favorite:
                                                               A Gypsy Camp
Santon Museum in Fontaine de Vauclause

Creche- means crib and comes from the christian practice of displaying  a nativity scene with the crib of baby Jesus at Christmas time.  This tradition came to Provence via Italy in the 17C.
Santonnier- A santon crafts person.
Argile- Clay
Atelier- Workshop
Other Information:
Santon fair in Marseille is held on the Canebiere from the last Sunday in November to Epiphany.
The worlds largest creche is located in Grignan, in the Drome department of provence.
Musee- Museums
Museum in Fontaine de Vaucluse- One of the largest collections of santon in Provence
Musee du Vieux Marseille
Musee National des Arts et Traditions Populaires in Paris
La Petite Provence du Paradou...(

Recomended website...

Thursday, December 9

This Village is Built on STONE!

Vaucluse (department 84) Pop. 980 (with the deconincks 988!)
Avignon 35k, Carpentras 12k, Orange 35k, Paris 705k.
Recognitions or Labels:
*One of the 126 "Plus Beaux Village de France"
(Most Beautiful Villages in France)
*Ville Et Village Fleuris
*One of 149 Les Villes et Pays D'Art et D'Histoire

First record of Venasque :
 4c.-Vindasca, 11c. Vennasca
There are neolithic vestiges at the grotte de Quisan south of village
Two oppidums are nearby, and a celtic road passed south of the ramparts.
 The bishops of Carpentras established their diocese in Venasque from
580-982, following the barbarian invasions of Carpentras.

The church Notre Dame is 13c. and the adjacent Baptistry is most likely 6c. or
the Merovingian period, and is one of the oldest religious buildings in France.

VOILA! Une petite histoire...

Up the hill to Venasque with Louis...around the base of the cliffs, ruins of little homes built into the rock,
the church, fortification (ramparts) and Sarrazine towers

Come back and visit!

Tuesday, December 7

Gypsy Picnic!

WARNING: Starving Kids in a Bad Mood!

Sunday Roadside lunch in L'isle sur la Sorgue
Goat Cheese Pizza and a 7-UP! (sodas only on sunday!)
at a nearby boulangerie...
Out and about on our weekly sunday drive, the stomachs started to growl and the children's mood went quickly from willing passengers to starving, impatient monsters. As fast food is (luckily) a rare option in these village parts, finding a restaurant still serving lunch after 3:oo is none existant,
and grocery stores- if open at all on sundays-close at noon!
This little boulangerie/market was our only salvation...
as it turned out, it was like a slice of home! 
It reminded us of our precious little Ikeda's market on I 80,
with a market stand of artisinal products and lots of yummy things for the hungry traveler.
Thank you to Ikeda's for the charm and great food over the years.
They have made many a gypsy traveler happy.
And it was good to feel close to home for a quick meal.

Video:  Boulangerie with delicious pizzas, bread and sweets on one side
Farmers market with artisanale products and vegetables on the other.

More about French Pizza to come...
Stay tuned!

Sunday, December 5

Noel in France has officially begun!

The opening ceremony begins with fireworks, costumes and music in the streets...

Noel Insolites Carpentras
04 Decembre 2010 au 02 Janvier

Presented by the Office of Tourism and the City Hall
The city has arrange a month of activities, most of them free, Carriage rides, Animations in the street, Cinematographe, Expositions of Santon and Creches, Workshops, Musical Spectacle, and the closing ceremony with fireworks and parade of Folkloric Provencal Giants... 
 I will do my best to be everywhere, see everything and get the best seat in the house!

Video of fireworks, decorations, and some singing in the streets.

Friday, December 3

Foire du St. Siffrien

Bienvenue a Carpentras, the 485th Faire of  Saint-Siffrein
A four day agricultural, textile, arts and crafts market place. 
Dating back to the 16th century, the fair ends on the 27th November, the feast day of St. Siffrein,
 who was the bishop of Carpentras in the beginning of the 7th century.

Agricultural Products

~Street Food~

~Clothes, Jewlery, Scarfs, Hats, Jackets & more...

~Rides, Games & entertainment~

~French Boys for the Teenage Girls!~

a little snow to remind us winter is just around the corner...

And no faire is complete with out Barbe a Papa!

Petite Video of the Foire!